Saturday, June 27, 2009

Conversatwins with mirrors (Process)

Here is a more in depth photo process of how my work comes together. As I said before, my paintings are built in layers using a wash technique. In the photos you can see how the layering works, basically I'll build up a layer (in this case I built the face with unbleached titanium) and than wash it down with yellows, reds, pinks, purples etc. and build it back up hoping to make the work smoother and correctly toned. I also show a picture of my patterns/veils design, which I first drew on a piece of tracing paper that I placed over the portrait and than used as a reference when I actually painted the patterns/veils in acrylic. This process actually took much longer than I had planned on, I went through many, many drafts of the patterns/veils before I created the one that I wanted to go ahead and paint. 

1 comment:

CGriffin said...

Do you an airbrush at all? LOVELY juicy paintings...